{"id":62983,"date":"2024-06-26T10:35:04","date_gmt":"2024-06-26T06:35:04","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/officialmauritius.com\/top-100-airlines-air-mauritius-drops-7-places\/"},"modified":"2024-06-26T10:35:04","modified_gmt":"2024-06-26T06:35:04","slug":"top-100-airlines-air-mauritius-drops-7-places","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/officialmauritius.com\/top-100-airlines-air-mauritius-drops-7-places\/","title":{"rendered":"Top 100 Airlines: Air Mauritius drops 7 places"},"content":{"rendered":"

While it occupied 78th place last year in the Top 100 airlines, Air Mauritius is now positioned 85th. The rankings were made public at the Skytrax World Airline Awards ceremony held in London, England, on Monday evening. This event is to airlines what the Oscars are to the film industry. <\/p>\n

The decline of Air Mauritius can be explained, among other things, by the multiple recurring technical breakdowns which caused delays and flight cancellations. <\/p>\n

In Africa, the airline is placed in 6th position. The only consolation is that Air Mauritius wins the award for best business class catering service in Africa. <\/p>\n

When Air Mauritius is harshly criticized <\/strong><\/p>\n

The Swiss magazine Travel Inside, through its editor-in-chief, Dominique Sudan, published on Tuesday an extremely critical opinion towards Air Mauritius. Under the title, \u201cLet the pros fly Air Mauritius!\u201d \u00bb, Dominique Sudan argues that \u201cthe Mauritian airline has never been an example of stability in terms of governance. Hasn\u2019t she experienced the trifle of 10 CEOs since the year 2000? “. He adds that \u201cthe fundamental strategic errors committed over the years are only the fruit of politico-clan wars which create a toxic climate within an airline which has never cut the umbilical cord with politicians and which, inevitably, is the direct victim of the changes of government occurring in Mauritius. <\/p>\n

From his point of view, the appointment of Charles Cartier as CEO would have \u201conly made the situation worse\u201d. The latter is criticized for being at the origin of the suspension of Chief Commercial Officer Laurent Recoura, who would be, according to Travel Inside, the “lynchpin of the spectacular recovery of Air Mauritius over the past two years” and who “gave MK a commercial dynamic that we had never known before.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n