QuestionsFood-RestaurantsLooking for restaurant recommendations in Pereybere
Anonymous asked 2 months ago

Hello, we are heading to Pereybere soon and wondering if you have any recommendations for good restaurants in the area. We have a car and don't mind driving a bit. Thank you! 🙂

Rishiraj Dugroo answered 2 months ago

there are a lots…le capitaine..camaron rouge etc…indian restaurant as well

Maxine De Souza answered 2 months ago

Café Pereybere for Chinese
Trojan horse for Greek
Beach house
Neo’s Portuguese restaurant
Nitzana restaurant for Indian
Luigi’s Italian Pizzeria & Pasta Bar
Botteghita Ristorante & Bar
Bloom Mauritius for breakfast
Fynbos the meeting place for breakfast
Pains et Moulins for amazing croissant and pastries
Oboē, not fully open yet but a beautifully place for coffee and a treat.

There are just some of our favorite places

Darshani Peruman answered 2 months ago

The Cloud – Rooftop & Lounge Bar
Island Babe Mauritius for brunch
2Beach Club
Eden Beach

Chad Gustafson answered 2 months ago

We had the best meal we’ve had in years here:

Yuvin Mahipath answered 2 months ago

Trojan horse

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