The trip of Charles Cartier, CEO of Air Mauritius, to South Africa in the company of six members of his family in Business class, continues to arouse controversy. This, it should be remembered, is at the heart of the criticisms of Raj Ramlugun, former executive and minority shareholder of the airline, who calls for “transparency” on the contract of the CEO of Air Mauritius so that his privileges are put in light. “It is legitimate to ask questions. The CEO of Air Mauritius took office at the beginning of March. Two months later, he went to South Africa. But when was he able to plan a family vacation, in Business class aboard an Air Mauritius aircraft in May, even before his appointment as head of the organization? There is something that doesn’t add up,” asks Raj Ramlugun.

The latter calls on the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, to “take control of the situation within Air Mauritius”, otherwise he risks becoming “complicit in what is going on”. Raj Ramlugun considers this affair a “hard blow” for Air Mauritius employees. Charles Cartier, the CEO of Air Mauritius, was contacted for a telephone statement, but he remained stingy with comments.

Atma Bumma, spokesperson for Air Mauritius, reacted to the criticism by saying: “A CEO is never on vacation. He is generally available 24 hours a day. Moreover, he was in constant contact with all employees. It is therefore not fair to claim that Charles Cartier planned his vacation to South Africa when he was appointed CEO of Air Mauritius on March 6. » What about Charles Cartier’s contract? “There is a contractual commitment between the employer, Air Mauritius, and the employee, Charles Cartier. This type of contract is, and remains, confidential,” he says. Regarding transparency, Atma Bumma also clarifies that no action is taken against the interests of the airline.

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