Foreign currencies worth 1.1 trillion rupees (one trillion = one million trillion) are held by local banks, mainly in US dollars. This information was revealed by Xavier-Luc Duval to the National Assembly this afternoon of June 11, during his speech on the Budget.

According to him, the lack of dollars on the Mauritian market is the fault of the government. He questioned the government's response to the depreciation of the rupee: “Will the government continue to tolerate the depreciation of the rupee or stop it?” »

Xavier-Luc Duval also opposed the parallel importation of medicines, while suggesting that this practice could be applied to consumer products. He proposed a pilot project for the importation of 100 products, with an evaluation after one year. Concerning the fight against drugs, he called for the creation of a 'Special Drugs Court', referring to the speed of the judgment rendered in Reunion concerning Franklin.

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