A 46-year-old mother, living in a village in the East, is overwhelmed. Her 16-year-old son stole her gold jewelry. It was his 7-year-old daughter who informed him, early in the evening of Saturday May 25, that her brother had hidden a bag under his bed. Shortly after noticing that her jewelry had disappeared, the forty-year-old questioned her son who immediately admitted to having stolen them.

The Bel-Air-Rivière-Sèche criminal police, in charge of the investigation, questioned the teenager. The latter confided having stolen his mother's jewelry estimated at Rs 400,000 and having sold them to a man named Aniket A., alias To Œuf, a resident of the locality. This individual is actively sought by the police.

The minor was allowed to return home after his interrogation, but must remain available to investigators.

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