A woman was found dead in the belly of a python which had swallowed her whole, in central Indonesia, a local official announced on Saturday.

Farida's husband, 45, and residents of Kalempang village in South Sulawesi province discovered her on Friday inside the reticulated python, which measured about five meters.

The mother of four children disappeared Thursday evening, and a search had been launched, village chief Suardi Rosi told AFP.

Villagers searched the area and quickly spotted “a python with a big belly,” Suardi Rosi said.

“They decided to open her stomach and Farida’s head appeared.” She was fully clothed inside the snake.

Such incidents are extremely rare, but several people have died in Indonesia in recent years after being swallowed by pythons.

Last year, residents of Tinanggea district in Southeast Sulawesi killed an eight-meter python, which had strangled and eaten a farmer.

In 2018, a 54-year-old woman was found dead inside a seven-meter python in the town of Muna, Southeast Sulawesi. The previous year, a farmer in West Sulawesi was eaten by a four-meter python on a palm oil plantation.


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