She had to go to a restaurant for a tête-à-tête with her companion, but ultimately, she found herself at the Rose-Hill police station on Saturday. An argument broke out and her companion beat her up in the street. Members of the public intervened and his attacker fled. The incident was sparked by a phone call between another woman and her boyfriend.

In her statement to the police, the victim, aged 32, said that around 6 p.m. on Saturday, her companion came to join her in Rose-Hill. He offered, like a good gentleman, to carry her bag because she was tired. They then agreed to go to a restaurant for dinner.

As they were about to enter the restaurant, his companion received a call on his cell phone. His companion heard a woman's voice. Once he hung up, she asked him for an explanation. This is how they had an argument. The tone quickly rose. Her companion slapped her. Then, he snatched the young woman's cell phone who had kept Rs 2,000 in the sheath. Fearing that he would hit her again, she ran away, but he ran after her. He joined her and the argument continued. Once again, he repeatedly slapped her across the face. The police were alerted and a team went to the scene. His companion escaped. She followed the police officers to the station to denounce the actions of her attacker.

She then left. As she walked, her companion appeared again. He was far from finished with her. There were lively exchanges. She was being mistreated by the man who shares her life. Passersby who witnessed this scene then had to intervene to prevent her from being attacked again. The suspect fled, leaving the woman's bag behind. She noticed that the latter had taken another sum of Rs 3,000 which was there.

The young woman received treatment in hospital. The Rose-Hill CID sleuths are trying to trace the suspect through images from CCTV cameras located at the location where his attack took place.

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