She is traumatized. While walking along Boundary Street in Rose Hill, a 41-year-old woman was attacked by an individual wearing a hooded sweater. However, this is not a simple attack, because before taking the action, the author apologized to her, claiming that he was doing this for his sick child. “Sory madam, mo bizin fer sa, mo zenfan malad,” he indicated a few seconds before attacking her.

The forty-year-old was going to the supermarket at the time of the incident. “Around 2:30 p.m., the street was deserted. I walked without looking back. Then, all of a sudden, I heard someone running up behind me. He stood in my way, in front of me,” she remembers. She adds: “He told me he was doing this for his child, then pushed me. I fell. He snatched my wallet which contained my identity card, Rs 400, my bank card and my cell phone. I shouted 'thief, thief', but there was no one to come and help me,” said the victim, still in shock. The suspect fled. “When I fell, I hurt myself. I got up crying and tried to find the strength to walk. I was able to alert my husband. He immediately came to pick me up. I explained to him what happened to me and we went back down that road to see if the suspect was still around. People saw him flee,” she told us. They went to Victoria Hospital, Candos, for first aid. The value of the theft is estimated at Rs 20,000.

“If this person had come to me to ask me for money to help their child, I would have done it, but I don't think the child is sick. It was just a ruse to attack me,” confides the victim. The Stanley CID sleuths have taken this matter into their own hands. The suspect is actively sought. “I was very scared, because at that time, there was no one there. I keep thinking that I could have lost my life,” explains the forty-year-old, still upset.

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