A 31-year-old police officer, under ban, who lives in Riche-Terre, was arrested for rape and kidnapping of his former girlfriend, a police officer. On Friday, May 31, elements of the Divisional Crime Intelligence Unit of Port-Louis South arrested him. Questioned by the Terre-Rouge criminal brigade, he admitted that he attacked the policewoman during an argument. But he denied the rape accusations. He is in custody and is facing provisional charges of rape, forcible confinement and assault.

During an exercise in reconstructing the events, the police officer said that she met her alleged attacker on Facebook. The 28-year-old says she befriended him and began an intimate relationship with him. The policewoman claims that the policeman attacked her with punches on the evening of Saturday May 25. It was at his home. The woman says she was shot in the ribs and confined in a room overnight. The next day, Sunday May 26, the police officer allegedly refused to give him his cell phone and his uniform. However, she left the area to go to work.

In the afternoon, she once again tried to retrieve her uniform and her phone. At one point, the woman explains that the police officer physically controlled her and assaulted her modesty. She adds that shortly after, the policeman undressed in front of her and raped her. His attempts to escape would have been in vain.

After a first sexual encounter, the policewoman says that the policeman turned her around and tried to sodomize her. However, he allegedly raped her a second time. In her statement, the police officer indicates that she reported the case out of fear that her assailant would do it again. She handed over her clothes to Central Criminal Investigation Department investigators for analysis.

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