Lekraj Poran, 30, spent a week in police custody following his arrest by the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU). Concerned in a human trafficking case, after a complaint from a Malagasy national, this manager of a hotel in Plaines-Wilhems was released on bail.

He claims to have been a victim of his kindness: “Mo pann fer personn ditor, zot ti pe rod travay zot inn vinn get mwa monn donn zot travay parski zot ti dan lamizer,” confides Lekraj Poran to Défi Media Group. He denies any involvement in this human trafficking crime.

The man who took the reins of a family business declares that he has never been in trouble with the law. “Zot (the Malagasy) dir mwa zot pena kas zot pena manze, ed zot. » To prevent these two Malagasy nationals from finding themselves homeless, Lekraj Poran says he provided them with housing and employment. After they completed two weeks of work, at the end of the month, he claimed to have given them, “on a pro rata basis, a sum of Rs 10,000, their salary being Rs 20,000”.
According to Lekraj Poran, “You are served in a restaurant lotel. Zot ti ena zot lasam me zot pa ti al dormi laba. You slept without resepsion without gaining WiFi. Zot res lor portab enn nwit”.

The two Malagasy men also claimed that their boss had held their passports against their will. Which Lekraj Poran strongly denies. He explains that their passports were in his possession because he was preparing to begin the process of renewing their residence permit. According to him, it was only two days before the police search that the two Malagasy men had given them to him: “Zot inn dir mwa fer zot demars permi pou reste pour work. » And to add: “My win sok kan zot dir ki pe sekestre zot, ki pa nnn zott manze, ni enn plas pu slept. »

Lekraj Poran maintains that he has never had a problem with his employees: “If Morisien or etranze, you all work well here. Ena mem innn work ziska pran retret. »

Since this experience, he says he has been disturbed. “It’s very tiring for my morale. Inn destabiliz mo lavi, mo santi monn vinn enn nn payason pou dimounn,” laments Lekraj Poran.

He has retained the services of lawyers Kavi Erriah and Me Rama Valayden and declares himself “ready to face justice”.

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