Linite Militan was present in constituency no. 20 (Beau-Bassin/Petite-Rivière), Friday evening. During his speech, Alan Ganoo, the Minister of Transport and Light Rail, put the leader of the Labor Party (PTr) on trial, Dr Navin Ramgoolam.

“'Enn gouvernman li kouma enn la grin. Li kapav enn ress la grin touletan. Me enn la grin li kapav donn fler ek fri. Governor works hard. Nou nou enn la grin kinn donn fler ek zoli fri'. The elections are approaching. Paul Bérenger asks to vote for Navin Ramgoolam as Prime Minister. You have to be crazy to do that. Ramgoolam forgot that when he was Prime Minister, he stopped the supply of bread to primary school children. He had removed the subsidy on rice and flour. He had also withdrawn the subsidy on examination fees for SC and HSC. But Pravind Jugnauth reintroduced all that. Ramgoolam wanted to impose a rural tax. Pravind Jugnauth did the opposite. He abolished the municipal tax,” insisted Alan Ganoo during his speech. It is from there, he continues, that we understand philosophy. “Ena de kalite premye minis ek de kalite dimounn bann kamarad,” he added.

Alan Ganoo once again reminded that we are in a pivotal year due to the general elections. “We are launching an appeal to activists. 'Nou pou al konble enn vid. Mo tia anvi nek dir zot'. If we want the country to progress, if we want the whole island to be served by the metro, if we want to build more houses, if we want to create jobs for young people, we must choose between Navin Ramgoolam and Pravind Jugnauth . The choice will not be difficult,” suggested the Minister of Land Transport and Light Rail.

Steven Obeegadoo, the Deputy Prime Minister, also intervened. He recalled the successive defeats of the MMM. “The team that constitutes the government includes many activists. '4 banana edmi nou dan gouvernman, nounn iron work militan. Dan militan na pena rasis, na pena kominal,” said Steven Obeegadoo. The latter then pointed out that the government built 54 houses in constituency no. 20 after spending 10 years in power.

Position of Prime Minister

He also discussed the government's various achievements, such as the minimum wage, free pre-primary education, and the construction of social housing. “Third militant work finished iron in his government to bet and who deserves? “It’s hard for me to work,” he said. And to add this: “Si ou enn militan, ou na pa bizin al donn poss premye minis kado Navin Ramgoolam. Na pa al tir sa pei-la dan la developer al met li dan la work”.

Social Security Minister Fazila Jeewa-Daureeawoo also spoke. “You have to judge a government by its actions. 'Ek pa seki dimounn koze,' she said.

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