• Workers on maternity or paternity leave cannot be dismissed
  • Vacation leaves will be refunded

Amendments will be made to the Workers' Rights Act to protect employees who go on maternity or paternity leave, it is indicated in the budget annexes. Other categories of employees will also benefit from better protection.

The law will be amended to…

…protect workers on maternity/paternity leave

The Workers' Rights Act will be amended to prevent workers on maternity or paternity leave from being discriminated against in terms of career progression or promotion opportunities. Likewise, the law will be reviewed to protect their employment. Thus, dismissal cannot be carried out when a worker is on maternity or paternity leave.

…that workers are entitled to compensation during torrential rains

The law will be amended to ensure fair treatment for all employees who have to work in extreme weather conditions. Thus, the right to compensation, which is paid in the event of class III and IV cyclone alert, will be extended to other circumstances where work is carried out during heavy rains or torrential rains, or when a period of warning security is issued.

…that employees benefit from reimbursement of their vacation leaves

The law will be reviewed to provide for the reimbursement of vacation leaves, so as not to penalize workers who cannot benefit from them due to work requirements. This measure aims, at the same time, to ensure more flexible working arrangements so as not to compromise the proper functioning of companies.

… give the employee the opportunity to take leave instead of being paid overtime

The employee will have the option of taking leave instead of being paid for overtime. The aim is to encourage flexible working.

…facilitate the implementation of the provision of childcare services

Regulations are on the agenda to facilitate the implementation of the provision of childcare services to an employee with a child aged up to 3 years, when he or she is employed by a company with more than 250 employees.

…a better balance between professional and family life

In order to preserve the health of workers and ensure a better balance between professional and family life, an employee working from home and working excessive hours will have the right to disconnect, subject to the operational requirements of companies and organizations. emergency situations.

Repatriation of foreign workers: employers will be monitored

The law will also be amended to protect foreign workers. Any employer must notify the ministry's supervisory officer before repatriating a foreign worker. The goal is to protect these workers from human trafficking. Such a measure would make it possible to exercise better control over workers whose work permits have expired, but also to ensure that they have received all the sums due before their repatriation. Employers who do not inform the ministry of the repatriation of a foreign worker within the prescribed period will be in violation. A decision which aims to deter any abuse by employers.

Opinion from a trade unionist

Reeaz Chuttoo, spokesperson for the Confederation of Private and Public Sector Workers: “A good number of these measures have been proposed by our confederation (Editor's note: this year, the CTSP proposed 25 amendments to the Labor law) . There were anomalies in the law which, as they say, open floodgates to litigation. For example, during the torrential rains last April, only employees of essential services were authorized to work, including supermarkets. However, some distribution companies forced their employees to work that day. And those who couldn’t saw their salaries reduced. The fact that workers will have to be compensated during torrential rains as well as in high cyclone alert situations will put a stop to abuses. Regarding vacation leave, many employees were deprived of it when the companies where they worked closed their doors. All these measures will bring more justice. »

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