Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire is a model of perseverance and resilience. Despite the challenges she faced in her life, this single mother found the strength to fight and build a future for herself and her three children.

She has a smile on her lips. Dressed to the nines in her Shell uniform, Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire waits patiently for customers. As soon as a vehicle parks, the 34-year-old young woman approaches without an ounce of shyness. Kindly, she engages the driver in conversation and begins to refuel.

Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire has been doing this job as a pump attendant at the Shell Latanier station in Roche-Bois for six years already. A single mother who left school early and never worked before the age of 28, she is fully fulfilled. Very polite, she always remains professional, offering exemplary service that reflects her passion and dedication to her work.

From Résidence La Cure, Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire is the mother of three daughters aged 16, 11 and 8. She left school at Form II (Grade 8) and did not undertake any professional training thereafter. For many years she devoted herself to her children.

However, over time, the young woman realizes that she must improve their situation so that her daughters can be fully fulfilled. “There is a supervisor who works at the station who I know. I told him I was looking for work. He told me to come. This is how I got my first job as a 'pump attendant' at Shell Latanier,” says the mother. Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire was then 28 years old.

Being a gas station attendant is not easy, but the thirty-year-old loves her job. Although she admits that there are ups and downs, she finds great satisfaction in what she does. “This job helped me discipline myself. I really like to talk. It helps me in what I do. This work also allowed me to develop punctuality and not be absent without a valid reason,” emphasizes the mother.

The road has not always been easy during these six years. Some clients can be difficult to manage, but Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire knows how to keep calm and remain professional in all circumstances. “You have to learn to deal with customers calmly, even those who are not nice. My colleagues, both men and women, encourage and support me. We form a united team. There is good understanding between us all,” she explains.

Despite her sometimes demanding work schedules, the thirty-something skillfully juggles between her professional life and her family life. “There are two shifts: from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. My children go to school during the week, and I take advantage of my days off to spend quality time with them, often going to the seaside or the park during the weekend. When I work in the evening, it’s my mother who takes care of the children,” she points out.

Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire encourages other women to consider a career as a pump attendant. “It’s noble work, we earn our living honestly,” she says. She is also proud to have succeeded in a profession traditionally dominated by men. At the Shell Latanier station, there are opportunities for development, she maintains.

“I aspire to become a supervisor one day, inspired by the mentorship and advice of my current supervisor,” she says.

Thanks to her efforts, Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire is the only woman alongside three male colleagues at her station to have excelled in a Shell upselling competition. She won a trip to Rodrigues. “This will be my first trip, a moment of joy and reward for my hard work,” she confides proudly.

What is the secret of his success? Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire talks about her determination and perseverance. “My children are my greatest strength and source of motivation,” she adds. “They encourage me to persevere every day. »

Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire is a source of inspiration, showing that despite obstacles, with determination and resilience, great things can be accomplished. Her journey is a testimony of courage and dedication, and she continues to fight for a better future for herself and her children.

Vanisha Joganah, manager of Shell Latanier: “Many customers prefer the service provided by women”

Anielle Estelle Elodie Hilaire and Vanisha Joganah, the manager of the Shell Latanier station.

“We have a team of 12 people on the ground floor and 5 in the store. We value the work of women at the store because they are more welcoming, smiling and patient,” explains Vanisha Joganah, the manager of the Shell Latanier station.

While she recognizes that the position of gas station attendant is traditionally occupied by men, she maintains that she makes no gender distinction. “The requirements for strength and courage are the same for everyone, and the smile of our employees adds a touch of exception. Many of our clients express a preference for the service provided by women, appreciating their distinct and pleasant approach,” she confides.

Vanisha Joganah, who has worked at the Shell Latanier station for 18 years, says the working world can be very difficult. “I started young with my father. After his death, I took over the reins of the station, which is very popular. » She admits having had to overcome many challenges. “I am married and mother of two children. In the morning, at 6 o'clock, I am already at the station. I don't see my kids much, but my love for this job and my amazing team make me want to come to work every day. »

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