The Career and Learning Lounge begins its fifth edition with an invitation to all those who aspire to explore a world of professional and educational opportunities. Designed as a dynamic platform, the show facilitates exchanges between young talents and actors from the academic and professional world.

Exhibitors, meticulously selected for their expertise in education, career opportunities and scholarships, come from various academic institutions and businesses. This variety ensures visitors have access to relevant information tailored to their specific interests.

The show welcomes a diverse audience, from aspiring students exploring higher education options to professionals seeking new career opportunities. All profiles, regardless of their background and experience levels, are welcome. The show is committed to providing information adapted to different stages of professional and educational life.

The event offers visitors the opportunity to learn more about various scholarships, grants and learning opportunities presented by exhibitors. Scholarships specific to academic programs, research grants, internships and professional training are to be explored. Exhibitors are ready to provide detailed advice and support participants in the application process.

For those considering outside study, the Career and Learning Lounge becomes an invaluable resource. Participants can discover international study programs, obtain information on university exchanges and receive personalized advice on the steps necessary to carry out their study project abroad. Exhibitors, experts in the field, are on hand to guide participants at every step, making this edition a valuable opportunity for those aspiring to an enriching education abroad.

The event will be held at the Caudan Arts Center on July 5 and 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Entrance is free and the venue is easily accessible by metro.

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