Employee well-being, according to Athol Swanepoel, People & Culture Manager, Human Resources at Aspen Global Incorporated, depends on respecting the value they bring through recognition of their efforts.

Like every year, International Human Resources (HR) Day is celebrated on May 20. Is the role of HR within a company still the same post-COVID with the rise of teleworking?
Yes and no. The nature of the task has not changed and the HR department must still ensure the recruitment of the best people, that they have the capacity to carry out the work required, and to ensure that these talents remain motivated to do their best while achieving business goals. However, what has primarily changed is the nature of the employer-employee relationship, where there needs to be a greater emphasis on the end result, allowing supervisors to manage workers remotely, while remaining connected. At the same time, active engagement must also be ensured so that the company culture is not gradually lost.

Human capital is essential for the development of a business. What factors are necessary for employee well-being and development?
It takes empathetic leadership that understands that investing in your people also means investing in the success of your business. This requires genuine attention and commitment to the well-being and development of its employees through the creation of experiences. Today, and especially after COVID-19, there is a need for psychological safety which involves having confidence in the employee, in commitment to the company. For this, the latter must be respected for the value he brings through the recognition of his efforts and of course, employees must be free to share their opinions and be themselves at work.

The world is evolving in the technological era. How does HR reduce or avoid any disparity between employees of different generations, especially those who are more suited to artificial intelligence than others?
The workplace is a great platform for technology and its use. So, technological tools are available regardless of age, but to close any real or perceived gap, it is essential that any business today ensures that there are capacity building initiatives open to all generations to ensure optimal use of these tools. It is also important to create a climate of continuous improvement and growth, lifelong learning and an environment of appreciation that learning is not unidirectional; namely from older generations to younger generations, but although the younger generation is also able to teach the older generation.

The workforce problem will not be resolved overnight in Mauritius. As an HR professional, what do you think can help address the labor shortage in the country and particularly in sectors where this shortage is most pronounced?
Having been on this beautiful island for only eight months, I do not claim to know the Mauritian socio-economic landscape better, but I remain a big supporter of the growth of local skills. I am sure that several positive initiatives are underway in this area, but closer cooperation, as well as closer discussions between educational institutions, government and public/private industry could help identify areas where it There is a shortage of skills to co-create and pilot educational programs aimed at filling these gaps.

What initiatives has Aspen put in place for the personal and professional development of teams?
Aspen Global Incorporated offers its employees a variety of development opportunities, spanning development in leadership and behavioral skills that extend beyond the workplace, to investment in technical qualifications and certifications that cover tuition and fees. examination. Aspen Global Incorporated also offers scholarships for education that would benefit both the employee and the company. We have also started giving some of our key talents the opportunity to travel and learn abroad, an initiative we would like to implement further.

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