“Monn sap dan la mor,” says Jean, 45 years old. He is a driver for a garbage truck company. On Friday May 17, while he was in his truck in the Roche-Bois dump, he was allegedly attacked by two copper thieves. This father of three children relates that he had to dump the garbage loaded in his truck into this dump. Two individuals approached him. “You can do this with a kamion to take it to the next level,” he explains. He forbade them from climbing on his vehicle. “Monn dir zot pa pou zot sa, pa mont lor kamion, tansion zot grave. »

According to Jean, the two individuals were determined to continue their action. “Mo pou touy twa e mo pou pran to kwiv,” said one of his attackers. Then the two men beat him. “Enn inn vinn deryer mwa linn tap mwa enn gran kou, lot la in tap mwa plizier kout pie dan mo la bous, inn kraz mo figir. »

Monn gayn fraktir, zot inn fel mo krann

Jean was damaged by this duo. Defenseless, he was thrown onto the asphalt. And his attackers took the opportunity to steal copper cables and his bag which contained his wallet and his cell phone.

Thanks to a colleague, Jean was immediately taken to Dr AG Jeetoo Hospital. On site, medical staff considered his condition very serious. “Monn gayn fraktir, zot inn fel mo krann,” confides this resident of Baie-du-Tombeau. He was hospitalized for five days. He is still traumatized. “Monn pass dan sok, kouma dir zot finn touy momem, depi sa aggression la, mo gayn difikilte breathe,” he indicates. He no longer wants to return to work in this dump. “Pena sekirite pour sofer kamion laba. » He filed a complaint at the Abercrombie police station. On Thursday, May 30, investigators from the Criminal Investigation Division of Port-Louis North arrested a first suspect. This is Jean François Augustin, 26 years old, from avenue Alfred Besnard, in Roche-Bois. Known to the police, he denied his involvement in this violent theft, but Jean identified him. On Friday May 31, he responded to a provisional charge of violent theft before the Port-Louis court. His accomplice is actively sought by the CID of Port-Louis North.

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