Amar, 45, living in Allée Brillant, Vacoas, came close to death yesterday, Tuesday April 23. His neighbor, not liking him using a common passage, attacked him with flower pots. The victim underwent two surgeries.

The attack, which could have cost Amar his life, took place when he was returning home after dropping his 3-year-old daughter off at school, around 8:45 a.m. A relative of the victim, who witnessed the entire scene, says that the sixty-year-old neighbor threw two flower pots on Amar's head from the balcony of his terrace. While the latter was walking quietly, he received a concrete pot on his head. Dizzy, he fell to the ground before getting up. It was at that moment that the sixty-year-old threw a second flowerpot, this time plastic, at his head. While trying to protect himself, Amar seriously injured himself.

The relatives of the forty-year-old alerted the Floréal police who went to the scene. Once there, she noticed that the father was bleeding profusely from the head. The police transported him to Candos Hospital where he underwent two surgeries. Subsequently, he was hospitalized. The latter, equipped with a Form 58, filed a complaint with the Floréal police who recorded his testimony.

Tensions around a common passage

The witness, present at the time of the attack, relates: “His neighbor, a sixty-year-old with whom he does not have good relations due to a dispute concerning a common passage which has been going on for some time, allegedly tried to kill my uncle “. He refuses to allow the latter to use the common passage. “We have a formal contract which gives us the right to use this passage. This is not the first time he has attacked us. Last time he attacked a member of our family with swords,” he adds.

For his part, Amar confided to Défi Quotidien that two weeks ago, his neighbor had threatened to throw objects at his head if he persisted in using the passage in question. “When I told him that I would continue to pass by there, he threatened to throw a pot on my head. I didn't expect him to take action. In my opinion, the police should arrest him for attempted murder. Imagine if my child had been with me, what could have happened? “, he said.

The Floréal police opened an investigation.

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