The US dollar has appreciated against the Mauritian rupee for 8 of the last 10 years, reaching a total increase of almost 46% since 2014. This is according to AXYS, a portfolio management company in Mauritius, in its economic report entitled Mauritius Economic Deep Dive 2024 and published on Friday June 14. This fluctuation has strongly influenced the cost of living in Mauritius, increasing household expenses and impacting various economic sectors. “The depreciation of the rupee has had a significant impact on our economy, increasing the cost of living and influencing investment decisions,” says Navnit Seeburrun, Investment Analyst at AXYS.

Note that the report offers an in-depth analysis of economic developments in Mauritius and follows the AXYS Investment Outlook 2024 report published last January. It takes stock of the evolution and diversification of our economy over the decades, while highlighting current and future challenges. The study addresses other critical issues such as food security, labor shortage, among others.

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