A 51-year-old resident of Belle-Vue-Maurel, Confidential Secretary at the Social Security office, was kidnapped and attacked at her home on Friday morning. Two suspects were arrested on Saturday. Two others are actively sought.

The incident occurred around 7:40 a.m. The fifty-year-old told the police that she had seen a stranger in her garden, filling a bottle with water. Later, the woman asked for her mobile phone to make a call. She refused. Shortly after, another woman appeared, asking to use her toilet, which she also refused.

It was then that a man entered her garden. Sensing danger, the 50-year-old rushed inside to contact the police. Hearing a noise, she came out of her house. At that moment, she was grabbed by the neck by one of the women and dragged inside.

The fifty-year-old said she saw her brother tied up on the ground. She recognized one of the attackers as a certain Azagen, whom she had reported to the police last year for extortion. He violently hit her on the left cheek. The criminals searched the house looking for valuables. They stole her handbag containing her bank cards, her national identity card and a sum of money. Azagen also took jewelry from the victim's bedroom.

One of the women then took the Confidential Secretary to her bedroom, where she untied her before stripping her naked and photographing her with her cell phone. She ordered him not to notify the police, otherwise she would disclose the photos.

According to the fifty-year-old, for more than three hours, she and her brother were sequestered in the house. Eventually, the intruders left the premises. Following credible information from an informant, a raid on the victim by the Rivière-du-Rempart police allowed her to be released. First aid was provided by Sergeant Madhoo and police officers Sooklall Sahabooleea and Tegally. The CID, under the supervision of PS Nunkoo, and SOCO, represented by PC Saulick, were also dispatched to the site to carry out the investigation. The total value of the stolen items remains unknown to this day.

The following day, Saturday 29 June, after hours of field work, Sergeants Arnasala and Ramasawmy of the Crime Intelligence Unit, together with the FIO, arrested Sanmooghen Pyneeandee, a 26-year-old homeless man, and Marie Stacy Songor, 28, residing in Plaisance. They confessed.

An identification parade was carried out the same day and the victim positively identified them. Two other accomplices are actively sought by the police. Their identity is already known.

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