The construction sector wants to be at the forefront of a transformation that takes the environmental aspect into account. Ministers Ramano and Hurreeram highlighted the government's commitment to the circular economy during the launch of Gamma R by Gamma Materials.

Integrating recycling and sustainable practices into the fabric of infrastructure development in Mauritius is beneficial. According to Bobby Hurreeram, this helps improve the efficiency and sustainability of this important sector. It also helps establish a global standard that others can follow. The Minister of National Infrastructure and Community Development participated in a conference organized by Gamma Materials, the Gamma R Summit, on April 24, at the Caudan Arts Center in Port-Louis.

“As you all know, Mauritius has seen unprecedented infrastructure development in recent years, with the government investing heavily in our road decongestion program, in which Gamma is an integral part of the implementation of our national road management program. floods. There is a tendency to accuse us of pouring concrete without taking our environment into consideration. But to govern is to plan. And with this project of yours, private and public sector, we are clearly demonstrating that these are not just empty words. The construction sector, an essential pillar of our economy, is at the forefront of this transformation,” stressed Bobby Hurreeram.

The event was also marked by the official launch of Gamma R. This range of materials comes from the recycling of construction and demolition waste. Several challenges await the construction industry. They concern in particular waste management and environmental footprint.

To this end, Bernard Lan, Managing Director of Gamma Materials Ltd, maintains that Gamma Materials is taking the initiative to transform these challenges into opportunities. “We are proud to open a new era in the Mauritian construction industry. The development of ecological, low carbon footprint and reusable construction materials is a fundamental necessity for the Mauritian market. Every action counts in the fight against climate change and environmental degradation. We strongly believe in our responsibility to the environment and our ability to transform the construction industry through innovation and engagement in a circular economy,” he said.

According to a study conducted by Gamma Materials in 2020 among 125 companies, 70,000 tonnes of construction and demolition waste are generated by Mauritius each year. Hence, according to Kavydass Ramano, the importance of culminating this Gamma Materials initiative, supported by the MRIC and involving experts from the University of Mauritius. The Minister of the Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change highlighted that the government recently validated the circular economy roadmap. “This approach could bring many benefits, including reducing waste and greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening supply chains, creating economic and employment opportunities, and improving spaces urban green spaces,” said Kavydass Ramano.

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