The leader of the Rassemblement Mauricien calls for the postponement of the “second reading” of the Financial Crimes Commission Bill. He sent a letter to this effect to the Prime Minister this Tuesday, December 5.

Nando Bodha said he was addressing Pravind Jugnauth as the only deputy in the National Assembly in the name of Linion Moris, representing Linion Pep Morisien, the Mauricien Rally, the Fraternal Greens and the Citizen Rally for the Fatherland. This, in order to “bring together all your democratic principles in order not to recklessly advance” the Financial Crime Commission Bill in the National Assembly.

Nando Bodha believes that this bill is “fraught with constitutional consequences for our Republic” and that a postponement will give the Prime Minister time to “take advantage of the debate around a plethora of unintended consequences”.

The MP insists that “the questions and problems linked to the bill will change the architecture of our laws against corruption, money laundering offences, fraud offences, financial crime, crimes linked to drugs and many other accessory crimes.”

“One of the purposes of the bill is to ensure greater accountability, but I have the sad impression that you are rushing to pass the bill so that you and your government do not have to be accountable anything” affirms the leader of the Rassemblement Mauricien.

He then explains that “the nation as a whole would be grateful to you for proving me wrong by postponing the second reading of the bill in the National Assembly and for allowing a national debate between all the citizens of our Republic”.

In short, according to Nando Bodha, Linion Moris “fears that the Financial Crimes Commission will become a dangerous tool in the hands of the person who will be at the head of the Commission”.

“I fear that tomorrow, if you are no longer in power, the Financial Crime Commission will be used against you and your loved ones,” concludes Nando Bodha.

Please note that the Financial Crimes Commission Bill will be presented for first reading to the National Assembly this Tuesday, December 5. This bill provides for the abolition of several existing laws on combating financial crime, potentially dissolving Icac, the investigative division of the FIU and IRSA.

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