Neena Ramdenee, from Linion Moris, will be a candidate in the by-election in constituency number 10 (Montagne-Blanche/Grande-Rivière-Sud-Est), scheduled for October 9.

The announcement was made at a Linion Moris press conference this Friday afternoon, July 5.

With a doctorate in pharmacy, Neena Ramdenee wants to use her skills for the common good, according to members of Linion Moris.

Its objective: to eradicate the scourge of drugs and improve the living conditions of the inhabitants.

The President of the Republic issued on Sunday, May 12, a Writ of Election for the holding of a by-election at No. 10 after the resignation of Vikram Hurdoyal as MP last February, following his dismissal as Minister of Agro-Minister.

The Nomination Day for this election is scheduled for July 11, 2024, while the by-election – if it takes place – will be held on October 9, 2024.

Nabihah Mooraja

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