For the first time in months, the price of giraumon has fallen to Rs 15 per half kilo. This increase is attributed to an increase in production on the market. However, fears remain over a possible increase in vegetable prices. Centerwest Small Planters Association President Sanjeev Dindyal explains that giraumon is an easy-to-grow vegetable. As a result, several planters cultivated it after the torrential rains which hit the country, resulting in a large volume on the market. However, he suggests that once this stock is exhausted, the price could rise again.

That said, he explains that the climate is not favorable for food production because of the anticyclone which crosses the country. “The violent wind accompanied by intense cold greatly affects the plantations. This will result in a drop in production on the market within a few weeks,” he says. Thus, he does not rule out an increase in vegetable prices of 15 to 20% in the days to come. Among those that could suffer a price increase are candy apples, squash, zucchini and beans, among others. However, he anticipates there will be plenty of vegetables on the market as the climate becomes more conducive to production.

Speaking of the next budget, he hopes that there will be measures to allow planters to improve and modernize their production. At the central market, the president of the Market Traders Association, Isoop Soobadar, appealed to the authorities to carry out a rodent control exercise, as the place would be affected by a large number of rodents.

Vegetables Price Accommodation
candy apple Rs 50-100 half a kilo
Bringelle Rs 70 half a kilo
Carrot Rs 40 half a kilo
Green bean Rs 60 half a kilo
Pipengaille Rs 50 half a kilo
Patole Rs 50 half a kilo
Giraumon Rs 15 half a kilo
Calabash Rs 35 unit
Pastry Rs 75 unit
Margose Rs 60 half a kilo
Cress Rs 15 boot
Chili pepper (large) Rs 120 half a kilo
Cucumber Rs 30-40 unit
Cabbage Rs 50 unit
Cauliflower Rs 90 unit
Beet Rs 30 unit
Lettuce Rs 20 unit
Zucchini Rs 75 half a kilo
Bell pepper Rs 180 half a kilo

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