Ram Dhurmea, the former director of the Vacoas meteorological station, filed a complaint against Showkutally Soodhun at the Vacoas police station this Friday afternoon, February 2. This approach follows remarks made by the Ambassador of Mauritius to Saudi Arabia during a function in Solferino on January 28. Me Gavin Glover, whose services were retained by Ram Dhurmea, spoke briefly to journalists as he left the Vacoas police station. You can find his statement in the attached video.

Recall that Showkutally Soodhun had, during this function, commented on the events that occurred during cyclone Belal. “Everyone must assume their responsibilities. Showkutally Soodhun is an ambassador, he must take responsibility. The Prime Minister cannot be responsible. Si mwa mo fane, li ki responsab,” he asks. And to add: “(…) Where do you know what happened in Dubayy? We can tell you the weather direction. His kantite dimounn kinn suffer there? His kantite problem noun wins there? How do you live and what does it mean? Akoz enn dimounn? »

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