Jean Éric Jérôme Duval claims that his brother, Jean-Hughes Cursley Duval, 50 years old, died in questionable circumstances. It was during a sea trip to Saint-Brandon. The declarant, a 48-year-old mechanic from Baie-du-Tombeau, presented, before the Port-Louis court, a request for a counter-autopsy of his brother.

A hearing in connection with the motion took place on Friday, December 1, 2023, before the criminal court of Port-Louis. Mr Damodarsing Bissessur, Senior State Counsel appeared for the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP). He found that the complaint wrongly names the DPP, the Commissioner of Police and the Ministry of Health as defendants.

According to him, the latter should only have been exposed to the process. Also, according to him, Jean Éric Jérôme Duval should have indicated where the corpse which was repatriated on November 9, 2023 is located. He adds that the latter should have included the health department concerned in his approach. Magistrate Prashant Bissoon postponed the case until December 5, 2023. This is so that Me Mahen Saulick, lawyer for the Duval family, can intervene.

Jean Éric Jérôme Duval requests a second autopsy to determine the cause of his brother's death. Relatives of the deceased and activist Ivann Bibi were present during the hearing.

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