• “We'll see when the time comes.”

It is in the third week of August that Prakash Maunthrooa's contract as Managing Director of the Central Water Authority (CWA) ends. And according to our information, he may not extend his contract. Contacted by phone, Prakash Maunthrooa, known to be close to the government, leaves doubts hanging. “We will see when the time comes. For now, let's wait and see, because there are still two months to go before my contract expires. Let's wait for the developments…” he says.

At the CWA, a source who requested anonymity claims that Prakash Maunthrooa has already informed the board of directors of his decision not to extend his term. Could the resignation of the Chief Audit Officer, which occurred earlier this month, be linked to this decision?

It appears that the upcoming general elections, which will be held later this year, would play a role in this decision. According to our findings, Prakash Maunthrooa's expertise in organizing events could soon be put to use. “The Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, is further refining his interventions and public appearances, and the government is increasing its efforts to organize major events. Logic follows intentions, and Prakash Maunthrooa’s helping hand is essential,” we confide.

Prakash Maunthrooa, it continues, who is recognized for his organizational skills, will be a valuable asset to the government in implementing its ambitions.

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