The representation of women in Parliament should not be limited to a quota. What matters, says Dany Marie, member of the National Committee of Rezistans ek Alternativ (ReA), is that women's voices are represented in all spheres of society, including in the National Assembly.
With this in mind, ReA proposes “a proportional list with alternation between men and women. For example, if there are 20 candidates on a proportional list, 10 will be women.” She specifies that “it is no longer a question of a quota where women must find their place, but rather of a process where they have an equal voice to access a position in the National Assembly”.

In addition to the influence of religious and community lobbies, Dany Marie points out that traditional political parties are prisoners of a patriarchal spirit. Consequence: women suffer structural discrimination. That's why, she says, it's important for women to make their voices heard and stop simply pleasing their party leaders. Moreover, Dany Marie points out, if a candidate is elected to be a parliamentarian, it is not to do favors for her “leader”, but to represent the people who elected her.

Recognizing the contribution of women to the advancement of the country, Dany Marie insists on the need to have a diversity of female voices and experiences in Parliament. “Women have the capabilities and skills in many areas. In Mauritius, the number of women MPs has increased and we are also seeing an improvement in women's rights. Dan Parlman bizin ena lavwa travayer fam ki pe trime gramatin tanto. »

She recalls that working women played a crucial role in the fight against the exploitation of capitalist and patriarchal society. “Women demanded their political rights, rights as workers, social rights and rights as women, thus recognizing the struggle for the emancipation of humanity and its march towards peace and political rights. » Unfortunately, deplores Dany Marie, the macho and capitalist system in which the country is anchored prevents us from finding our local “Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel”.

What about the areas of action on which legislative candidates should focus? Dany Marie believes that violence against women is proliferating and that it is necessary to review all the laws and institutions supposed to protect them. It is also crucial, she insists, to review social infrastructure for all women victims of domestic violence.

Another priority: the right to bodily autonomy, a right, emphasizes Dany Marie, which must be guaranteed to all citizens, men and women. “This principle must be integrated into the Constitution. It is necessary to eliminate laws and institutional decisions that do not recognize the right of women to decide everything that concerns their bodies. »

In addition to discrimination, Dany Marie calls for putting an end, once and for all, to “communalism” and “bringing in-depth systemic change”. In 2024, insists Dany Marie, it is time for the voices of women, young people, workers and older citizens to be represented in Parliament.

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