He leaves a family devastated by his sudden disappearance. Arjoon Jeeneea, aged 56, was riding a motorcycle on Sunday, June 2, when he had an accident. He left the road at Branch Road, Fond-du-Sac. This father first hit a tree before ending his journey against an electricity pylon. When help arrived, he was unconscious. The nursing staff noticed that he had given up the ghost.

His wife and two daughters are inconsolable. Arjoon Jeeneea was appreciated by those around him. Her cousin, Aartee cannot hide her pain. “He was my cousin. Not having a brother, I considered him as such,” she confides, her voice tight with emotion.

The fifty-year-old, living in Triolet, was employed as a chef in a restaurant. A profession to which he devoted himself with passion. “He lived a good time in the Seychelles. He was a chef in a hotel,” she tells us. He had the well-being of his family at heart. “He wore his heart on his sleeve. Besides, he had arranged for some of us to join him in the Seychelles to stay there for a few days,” she continues. Subsequently, about six years ago, Arjoon returned home to be with his family. He then landed a job as a chef in a restaurant in the north of the island. “He loved organizing trips to the sea with us,” adds Aartee. Unforgettable moments that will remain engraved forever.

“Sunday, he was coming back from the restaurant when he had this accident,” says our interlocutor. In fact, while he was on his way to his house in Triolet, he lost control of his motorcycle. He hit a tree on the side of the road and ended up hitting a pylon. The shock was terrible. The Plaine-des-Papayes police and an ambulance went to the scene, but it was already too late. The autopsy revealed that he died from his numerous injuries.

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