Triolet police arrested the director of a nursery and a caregiver after the tragic death of a six-month-old infant. They were indicted before the Weekend Court on a provisional charge of manslaughter before being released. Rachele Helene, 33, the baby's mother, cannot hide her pain. On Friday June 7, she dropped her child off at daycare as usual in Pointe-aux-Piments. “I came to drop off my child around 7:45 a.m. at the nursery. My little one was in good health. I entrusted my daughter to the director in person. The latter asked me if she had been drinking. I handed her the bottle for her to do. Then I left for work,” she says. Around 2 p.m., she heard a voice outside. “Mo tann dir 'bebe pe toufe, krie so mama'”, relates the young woman. This is how she saw the director and the caregiver. They told her to get in the car and that her baby was choking. “The director was driving while the caregiver was with my daughter. She gave him mouth-to-mouth. My little one didn't move anymore. I knew it was over,” says Rachele. They went to the SSRN hospital in Pamplemousses. “The nursing staff took care of my child. Then a doctor came to tell me that his heart had stopped beating, but that he was doing everything to make it start again. But it was already too late. He came to tell me that she died,” the mother said in tears.

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