The water situation in Mauritius appears to be under pressure, according to observations from the Ministry of Public Utilities and Energy. This is indicated in a document recently published by the ministry.

The observation regarding the water situation is alarming to say the least. Rs 1 billion has been invested in replacing pipes in several regions of the country – Rose Hill, Lallmatie, Pierrefonds and Chamouny – in recent years. Filtration stations have emerged in several locations: Beau-Champ, Calebasses and Constance. But water distribution in Mauritius remains a major problem. At least that’s what emerges from a ministry document on the “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats” of the sector.

The paper reveals that many regions face water scarcity, due to over-extraction, climate change and poor water management. According to the ministry, this situation means that water resources are not distributed evenly. This leads to regional disparities and risks.

This situation is mainly caused by several factors. First, rapid population growth intensifies demand for water and increases pressure on existing resources. Then, aging infrastructure compounds the problem. “In some regions, water infrastructure is obsolete and requires maintenance or replacement work. There are water losses and quality problems. »

Therefore, the substantial investments and the electoral promise to ensure 24/7 water distribution to the Mauritian nation have not yet produced the expected results. Additional measures are needed to ensure sustainable and equitable management of water resources across the country.

Another particularly worrying aspect of the water situation concerns the risks of contamination. According to the Department of Utilities and Energy, water contamination from pollutants, industrial spills or agricultural runoff is a major concern for water quality and public health.

Additionally, according to the ministry, expanding industrialization and urbanization can worsen water pollution. Which represents a threat to human health and ecosystems. A source close to the matter at the ministry highlights that this situation is putting increased pressure on water resources. Industrial and urban activities emit pollutants. There are discharges of chemicals, industrial waste and untreated wastewater. Which compromises the quality of fresh water sources.

For his part, Adi Teelok, member of Platform Moris Lanvironman and environmental activist, argues that the water sector faces several challenges. And according to her, the authorities do not seem to take them into consideration.

“The pollution of certain sources of supply through industrialization, agriculture and rapid urbanization is a risk. But there are other threats to supply,” she says. She also believes that climate change and luxury real estate and hotel development are threats.

“With climate change, drought situations are likely to become more frequent. Mauritius is already considered a country experiencing water stress. Rising sea levels are likely to cause salinization of certain groundwater,” she adds. It highlights that the pressure exerted by the demands of hotels and luxury real estate is being felt.

“When we look at EIA permit applications for real estate projects – under the Smart City and Property Developent Schemes – we see this. All these projects which are large consumers of water rely on a supply from the CWA network which, in several places on the island, struggles to ensure an adequate supply to existing residents,” she notes.

“Some of these smart cities include a hotel. And this does not necessarily resort to the desalination of sea water for its supply. While any establishment with more than 50 rooms must use it. This axis of the government's economic policy will not reduce inequalities in supply,” she said.

For Sunil Dowarkassing, former strategist at Greenpeace International, contamination and pollution are major concerns. It refers to the coal ash residue produced after energy production.

“These residues contain arsenic, lead, mercury, among other toxic substances. These can come into contact with groundwater,” he explains. He adds that deforestation poses a significant threat, as it leads to the destruction of catchment areas.

Despite these adverse observations, the ministry remains optimistic about the opportunities offered by the water sector through conservation initiatives. There are opportunities to develop and promote water conservation initiatives. This encourages efficient use of water both at an individual and industrial level. Additionally, investments in technologies, such as smart management systems and water recycling, can lead to better use of resources.

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