• Young mother attacked with metal chair and broom

She can no longer stand the actions of her violent husband. A young mother aged 27, living in Rose-Hill, finally reported her husband for domestic violence. On February 13, he asked her for money, but she refused. He then attacked her with a metal chair and a broom. The suspect was taken into custody.

The couple has been civilly married for eight years. During these years, the young woman says she put up with everything from the man who shared her life. She remained hopeful that better feelings would return after they became parents to a daughter, now eight months old. But the situation would have become unbearable for the young woman.

Having become addicted to drugs, her husband allegedly began to demand money from her and become violent if she refused to comply with his request. He would then threaten to throw her and their baby out if she ever reported him to the police.

Last February 13, it was the straw that broke the camel's back for her. In her complaint, she explains that her husband came to see her to ask for money so that he could obtain drugs. She then refused, but her husband became violent. He allegedly grabbed a metal chair and hit her in the leg. As she tried to flee, he allegedly hit her again on the back with a broom. In an aggressive tone, he chased her out of the house, shouting: “Kit lakaz to ale!” »

She claims to have left with her child and gone to Victoria Hospital, Candos, to receive treatment. Out of fear, she would not have reported her husband immediately after his hospitalization. It was only on February 17 that she decided to go to the Rose-Hill police to put an end to her husband's actions.

The police were quick to act because the 41-year-old man was arrested for domestic violence and brought before the Rose-Hill court.

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