You are reappointed president of MEXA. What are your main objectives for this second year in office?

First of all, I would like to emphasize that we are currently going through difficult times, but we strongly believe in the potential of the export sector. MEXA is not going to give up. We count on motivated members who strive to continue to progress. My second mandate will therefore certainly consist of continuing the development of the sector, supporting and restructuring existing companies, but also exploring new markets. Additionally, we plan to attract new operators in new sectors. We believe enormously in the future development of the sector.

What are the major challenges that local operators face this year?

The increase in the cost of operations is the main challenge for operators. The increase in prices of certain inputs will undoubtedly have an impact on our costs. Furthermore, the markets are becoming more and more difficult, and passing these increases is very complicated. Buyers do not want to see product purchase prices skyrocket. And as we all already know, labor shortage still remains a real headache, accompanied by problems with attendance and productivity at work. However, our members are ready to meet these challenges by putting in place the necessary training to improve the quality of the workforce and make jobs more motivating.

The export sector recorded a decline of around 5% in 2023. What is your outlook for this year?

We can see the glass half full or half empty. At MEXA, we tend to see the glass half full. We remain realistic. As around the world, many sectors are facing challenges, and ours is no exception. But what is important is the determination of local operators to fight. Government support is also fundamental. Early estimates indicate that the trend will be the same as last year, but it can be reversed relatively quickly.

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