She is one of the first interventional cardiologists in Mauritius. Just like her cardiologist father, Dr. Gemina Doolub placed herself at the service of cardiac patients. Meet a passionate woman who devotes herself body and soul to her profession.

Its primary mission: to give a second chance to the vital element of every being: the heart. At first glance, Dr. Gemina Doolub, whose first name means precious stone, looks simple in her turtleneck sweater, black tights and bare feet. But behind this appearance hides one of the first interventional cardiologists in Mauritius. With a welcoming smile and an easy flow in a mixture of French and English, she welcomes us to her home in Quatre-Bornes.

If she grew up in Mauritius, it was in France, and more precisely in Montpellier, that she was born. “My parents were studying there then and we came to Mauritius when I was 4 years old,” she says. While Mauritius is currently experiencing an exodus of its young people, why did you choose to return home after two decades spent in Great Britain? Would “Lakaz mama” be so cozy? “I have always been comfortable in any country. I spent 20 years in England where I studied and worked. Why not work now in the country where I grew up? » she replies.

She specifies that she made her choice of professional career with complete freedom, although her father, Dr. Prakash Doolub, is a cardiologist, and her mother, Rookmanee, a dental surgeon. “My passion has one word: cardiology,” she confides enthusiastically. Having simultaneously won two scholarships – first winner from Queen Elizabeth College and the country (SSR Scholarship), and the other from the Alliance Francaise – Gemina Doolub finally opted for the United Kingdom.

During her studies, she chose interventional cardiology as a specialty, which involves percutaneous interventions. What exactly is it? “During a heart attack, the risk of mortality increases with each delay in opening a blocked artery, so time is a key factor. My intervention consists of passing a catheter through the patient's wrist or leg, then a dye is injected in addition to the X-rays to have a better vision of the three arteries (Editor's note: right coronary, common trunk, which includes the anterior interventricular [IVA], and the circumflex). This type of intervention allows the cardiologist to better understand the seriousness of the problem and to try to resolve it,” she explains.

At this level of intervention, it is possible to discover calcified arteries through coronary angiography. “There are new technologies, such as rotational atherectomy and orbital atherectomy, as well as intravascular lithotripsy, which make it possible to treat very calcified arteries. The goal is to put all the chances in the patient's favor and get him back on his feet, like a new penny. It’s exciting and gives me personal satisfaction,” says Dr Gemina Doolub.

Would the prevalence of heart attacks or strokes affect a certain average age or specific groups more? “According to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women globally. Statistics from the American Heart Association indicate that the average age of a person at the time of their first heart attack is 65 for men and 72 for women. However, heart attacks can occur in anyone, and currently it is believed that the incidence of heart attacks has increased in people under the age of 40,” she points out.

What are the main causes of heart complications? According to the cardiologist, the main causes of heart problems include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and a family history of heart disease.

Is it correct to say that there are more obese women than men? Dr Gemina Doolub believes that this disease affects everyone, regardless of gender: “The reason people gain weight, whether men or women, is multifactorial; Contributing factors may be genetic, medical, or environmental, such as poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. »
Although she does not want to be alarmist, Gemina Doolub believes that junk food and the lack of interest in sporting activities on the part of a high density of our compatriots risk playing spoilsport on health and on the heart. The message couldn’t be clearer…

Far from being uneven, the professional career of Dr Gemina Doolub is entirely traced by her care. If she is vegetarian without being vegan, the cardiologist has made it her mission to alleviate, as much as possible, the suffering generated by any heart attack. Moreover, her inspiration remains Professor Alain Cribier, pioneer of TAVI (percutaneous implantation of the aortic valve), with whom she had the unique opportunity to make a podcast shortly before his death.

Bringing life back to a heart in extreme distress is an immense joy that brings balm… to the heart.

Marriage will wait

Now in her thirties, Dr Gemina Doolub makes it clear that marriage is the least of her worries. How is it that this woman with many diplomas, many assets and a killer smile, has not yet found the right fit? Laconic response from the person concerned: “There have been several requests, I don't hide it, but I am 'genuinely happy as I am'. My parents always advocated open-mindedness, a value that they passed on to us. »

Her freedom of mind, she says, is vital to her. “I refuse to marry just to please, no way! I don't want to end up with a partner without there being any chemistry between us. I feel good about myself and I dedicate myself to what I'm passionate about: my profession as a cardiologist, dance, aviation… The rest doesn't matter to me,” she explains.

Does she aspire to start a family one day? A big laugh, then a silence as a prelude to a deep reflection which may surprise: “Being a mother just for the sake of being a mother, there is a big step to take, it is a complex commitment. Raising a child takes time and, above all, having a partner who will support you. It's hard being a parent and being a child these days. »

However, is she a heart to be taken, despite her reservations? “I give time to time,” she smiles.

His passions

Dr. Gemina Doolub has been dancing since she was four years old. “My parents always encouraged my brother Kevin and I to get involved in extracurricular activities. For my part, I practice Bharatanatyam, Salsa, Bollywood, and swimming, among others,” she confides. “It’s a way for me to revitalize myself, to get away from books and to refocus,” adds the cardiologist, who also obtained her LLB in England. However, she has not yet completed her pupillage. Aviation is another of his passions. Indeed, holding a pilot's license, she takes command of Pipers and Cessnas during her free time.

A journey marked by success

The exceptional career of Dr Gemina Doolub, punctuated by remarkable academic achievements and enriching professional experiences, commands admiration. From her medical studies at Newcastle University, she demonstrated unwavering determination. Her passion for cardiology led her to pursue a residency at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, followed by a master's degree in clinical trials and experimental therapies at the University of Oxford.

Her quest for knowledge then led her to the University of Bristol. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in research focused on artificial intelligence and acute coronary syndromes.

Beyond her impressive academic qualifications, Dr. Gemina Doolub has been actively engaged in the international medical community. She has participated in numerous international forums, sharing her expertise and contributing to the advancement of the field of cardiology.

His excellence is evidenced by his numerous distinctions and achievements. She notably obtained an advanced research fellowship in interventional cardiology at the Montreal Heart Institute, and a research fellowship in interventional cardiology at the Bristol Heart Institute.
Keen to hone her skills, Dr Gemina Doolub also completed a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) degree from the University of London. She is a member of several prestigious professional associations, such as the American College of Cardiology (FACC), the British Cardiovascular Intervention Society (BCIS) and the British Medical Association (BMA).

His skills in interventional cardiology are undeniable. She passed the European Examination of Basic Cardiology (EECC) and the European Association of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (EAPCI) written examination, mastering various complex interventional procedures.

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