The dreams and hopes they placed in their sons are nothing more than a painful reminder. Of what could have been. Of a future suddenly shattered by a terrible stroke of fate. The families of Digambaresh Rhunghen, 18, and Drishtiresh Bhoyrub, 17, in Mare-D'Albert are mourning their tragic loss. These two young people drowned in the Moonkharry River on Sunday February 4, during an outing with friends.

It was in the afternoon that these two friends left their respective homes to go to the local football field. There, they are joined by two other friends. The four young people head towards the Moonkharry River, in Mare-D'Albert. But at some point, Drishtiresh and Digambaresh are swept away by the waters.

The alert is given and the search begins. Around 9:45 p.m. and 9:55 p.m., divers from the Mauritius Police Intervention Group (GIPM) recovered the bodies of the two young people. Investigators from the Rose-Belle police station have initiated an investigation to determine the exact circumstances of this double tragedy.

Ravind Rhunghen: “Mo ti anvi mo garson vinn avoka”

Digambaresh (far right) alongside his family.
Digambaresh (far right) alongside his family.

Ravind Rhunghen had big dreams for his son. In particular, he wanted to see Digambaresh wear the lawyer's robe. “He was very intelligent. He did very well at school. Mo ti anvi li vinn avoka. I say bann koleg avoka ed li. Si li ti fer zefor, li ti kapav vinn enn avoka,” he said. But fate decided otherwise.

This father, who works as a “waiter”, has always worked body and soul so that his two children, one in Grade 7 and Digambaresh in Higher School Certificate at St Joseph's College, can succeed in their studies. His son, he said, had a bright future both athletically and academically. Moreover, he was a renowned player in the village of Mare-D'Albert. “He was one of the best players and the top scorer. He always loved sports. Depi first, linn pran boukou meday. »

However, as Digambaresh was in HSC, his father wanted him to concentrate on his studies. “Monn dir li 'to pe iron HSC, diminie to sport, get kote ledikasion, parski ledikasion bien inportan. “To earn a good job,” says Ravind Rhunghen.

Digambaresh, he claims, was very disciplined and respectful. “Zame monn gagn plint dan so kolez, zame linn al tar lekol ni linn koz brit ar profeser. Touletan, you don’t respect people,” he assures.
Digambaresh made him and his family proud. “Kouma in the meantime, my work in my work, my boy is my pride, he is still there for me to know that he has arrived at his level…”

Ravind Rhunghen regrets that his son went to this river. “Sa zafer larivier la zame linn ale. If you can say mwa li pe al larivier, you can say li pa bizin ale. Zame mo ti expect li pou al larivier. Mo pa ti atan mo perdi mo zanfan…”

So many projects gone now… He had even already planned the construction of Digambaresh's house. “Mo ti ena enn grand vision. His vision my lost li, my ti for ranz enn zoli ti lakaz for li lao, sannn won so ti end, my ti well kalkile kouma to iron his lou li. Badly, my lost li…”

Mooneram Bhoyrub: “Monn perdi mo lame drwat…”

Drishtiresh Bhoyrub was fondly called Disik.
Drishtiresh Bhoyrub was fondly called Disik.

In this village in the south of the island, the sudden disappearance of Drishtiresh Bhoyrub, 17, is deeply felt. Everyone emphasizes his big heart. “Li depann dimoun mizer, li pa pran kas. His kalite piti-la li ti summer,” says a Southerner who came to pay his last respects during his funeral, on Monday February 5.

Drishtiresh, fondly called Disik in the village, was into plumbing and metal work. “He took courses at the IVTB,” says his father Mooneram, 49 years old. Father and son worked together. “Kot mo ale, mo pran li ar mwa. Mwa, mo aziste, mezire, li li fer kalkil, li work fast,” he emphasizes.

On the day of the tragedy, his parents did not know that he planned to go to the Moonkahry River. “Zame li pann koz zafer larivier. Mo ti finished anpes li. A year and a half ago, I told them that people had lost their lives there,” Moneeram told Le Dimanche/L’Hebdo.

He regrets that his son's friends who accompanied him did not immediately alert him that he had disappeared in the water: “Si zot ti inform mwa direk, mo ti pou al laba. »

It was around 5 p.m., as Drishtiresh was not answering his phone calls, that he went to one of the latter's friends. It was then that he learned that his son had gone to the river. He rushes there. “Monn crosses enn pie, monn tonbe. Monn found my guy in Linz, soulie, portab lor ros. Monn kriye, no one answered. Lerla monn sinial lapolis. »

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Looking lost, Mooneeram struggles to imagine her life without her son. “Mo garson ti mo lame drwat, pa kav krwar sekinn arive…”

Disik was excited to celebrate his 18th birthday next month. “Nice plan we iron. Li ti pe mari kontan pou gainn 18 years. Li ti can shoot your kart idantite and after shooting your lisans. He wanted to go to Canada to work as an electrician, plumber and welder. »

The family planned to organize a surprise to celebrate three birthdays at once. “Li won so laz on March 27, mwa on March 28 and mo garson on April 4. We can do it this way. Pann resi…” confides Drishtiresh’s brother-in-law.

Kushi is devastated by her brother's disappearance.
Kushi is devastated by her brother's disappearance.

Her sister Kushi is overwhelmed. They were very close. Shortly before the tragedy, he had given her Rs 100. “Li dir mwa, 'didi aste gato pou to Corona'. Li says my boy Corona. Sa mo didi-la, mo pa pour retande… Avan li sorte lakaz li dir mwa 'didi mo pe ale, babye'. Mo dir li 'kouma twa pena so deziem.' He's a really good guy. All you know is what I know…” she cries.

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