On the occasion of Mother's Day, Elya Ladkoo, 7 years old, gives an “exclusive” interview to Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo to talk about her mother Vandita. Love, laughter and life lessons combine to create a captivating story.

Who are you, Elya?
I am Elya Ladkoo. I am 7 years old. I attend Lycée La Bourdonnais. My dad's name is Pravin. My mom's name is Vandita. She is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Mascarene. She is also a self-image coach. We live in Coromandel.

Who is the love of your life?
(Laughs) That's my dog, Yoko.

Are you ready to reveal your mother's life to us?
Yes ! I am filled with joy and gratitude just thinking about her.

Like most moms, she likes to control everything?
(Laughs) Not at all! I would say that in a world where mothers are often seen as strict and severe, my mother decided to break almost all the social taboos on raising children. Fortunately for me ! Haha! Instead of being the typical mother who scolds and controls, she has her own magical motto that includes me: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” »

She is my best friend and my inspiration”

Does she yell at you when you do something stupid?
(Laughs) When I make a mistake or something stupid, no matter how serious, my mom doesn't frown or shout. On the contrary, she always smiles. She often tells me, “It’s good that you made that mistake, but don’t do it again.” » Then she patiently explains to me why and constantly tells me that a mother's words become a child's inner voice. I think she instills that in me so that I always have self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth.

She says “yes” to all your whims?
Ooops! I will be wise to answer because she will buy your newspaper this Sunday and she will scrutinize what I am telling you here! (Laughs) My mother is someone who says “yes” when others would say “no”.

For example, whenever my mom travels abroad for work, she takes me with her if I'm on vacation. Relatives often ask her what I would do while she works or if it is not dangerous to take me with her to Rwanda. Or if I'm not a distraction for her. My mother just smiles and always responds, “Nothing is impossible when you teach your child what is right.” »

What do you like about your mom?
Her greatest strength is communication and that's what I appreciate about her. She also answers all my questions, whether deep or uncomfortable like “How was I born?” or “What makes a marriage work?” “. She addresses even the most difficult questions that I refrain from sharing with you in this interview. (Laughs) She also inspired me to explore new things and take risks.

What makes your mom exceptional?
To describe it, I use the colorful and imaginative metaphor “The Fabulous Unicorn”. This perfectly illustrates how I perceive her in my life: my mom is magical!

What makes my mom exceptional is her advice to dream big and break all blind social beliefs. She is my best friend and my inspiration. When I was younger, I wanted to be the daughter of a unicorn. Now, as I grow up, I realize that I am the daughter of a unicorn. (Laughs) Mom is my unicorn, sparkling with magic in my life and giving me the best childhood possible.

She constantly tells me that a mother's words become a child's inner voice.

What do you do together?
(Laughs) My mom and I do crazy things together…

Which ones, tell?
(Laughs) Well! We watch horror movies. We discuss our wildest dreams of traveling the world. We even have a mother-daughter journal where we write and draw our adventures. Oh dear ! My mom is so cool! I would say traveling with my mom is one of my favorite things. In fact, we have already visited 13 countries and she always says “yes” to new experiences and opportunities.

So is every moment spent together a new adventure?
Yes ! She taught me that my religion is love and that being a good human being full of compassion and love will allow me to combat my inner conflicts with wisdom.

Accomplices, what do you do every day?
(Laughs) We play games like learning a new expression in French and English. The one who uses the phrase or vocabulary the most during the day wins and the loser does extra chores. (Laughs)

And you do everything to win, right?
(Laughs) Obviously, I do everything to win! The chores aren't boring, but I love winning against my mother, who I admit is a real opponent!

How does your mother encourage your personal development?
My mom encourages me to be myself and she teaches me how to communicate intelligently with adults. She even took me to Toastmasters events in Rwanda, South Africa and Mauritius. I hosted a national Toastmasters competition with her in 2022!

What would you like to tell us to end this interview?
So this is the story of my “unicorn” mom who turns mistakes into lessons, fears into adventures and dreams into reality. On Mother’s Day this Sunday, I just want to say, “Thank you for making my life magical, Mom!” “.

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