After her success in 2023, Jenna Ramoo from the newspaper Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo and Défi Vert once again stood out, in the Media category, at the 2024 edition of the Environmental Awards. This competition, organized by the Ministry of the Environment on the occasion of World Environment Day, celebrated its winners during an awards ceremony held on Wednesday June 5 at the Caudan Arts Centre.

And two for journalist Jenna Ramoo, from the newspaper Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo and the Défi Vert du Défi Media Group, who won the 2024 Environmental Awards in the Media category for the second year in a row, ahead of the MBC. This competition saw the participation of numerous organizations, including schools and colleges, NGOs, as well as companies from the banking and transport sectors, among 15 categories.

The winning subject, entitled “Animal research: life of monkeys”, published in the April 7 edition of the newspaper Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo, was rewarded. This file, which extends over 11 pages, explores the business of breeding monkeys for medical research and gives voice to various stakeholders.

Very moved to have been crowned for this accomplished work, Jenna Ramoo expressed her gratitude for this new consecration after that of the previous year. She declared to Défi Quotidien: “This prize is for my editor, Stéphanie Techer, and for Frédéric Li Chin Yan, who takes care of the editing. Our mission at Dimanche/L'Hebdo is to educate, raise awareness and mobilize around the environmental cause. »

Stéphanie Techer expressed her pride that the awareness work carried out by Le Dimanche/L'Hebdo was recognized for the second year in a row. “Our mission is to inform, raise awareness and mobilize. The environmental cause is one of the most important and it is the duty of all of us to take a stand for a better world,” she declared, while praising the work of the model maker.

In his speech, the Minister of the Environment, Kavi Ramano, congratulated the fifty winners of this competition. He expressed the hope that their work would inspire and motivate more people to contribute together to preserve the planet, thereby creating a better environment and future for future generations.

Kobita Jugnauth, the Prime Minister's wife, stressed that faced with the consequences of climate change, which Mauritius has experienced through floods, the solution is not limited only to infrastructure. She stressed on the need to make efforts to change our lifestyle to mitigate the effects of such calamities.

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