The leader of the opposition, Xavier-Luc Duval, during a press conference this afternoon, returned to his Private Notice Question (PNQ) relating to the results of the National Certificate of Education (NCE) vintage 2023 as well as on the Extended Program. According to him, the current system has failed. He advocates replacing the curriculum with another system with the aim of achieving a success rate of more than 60%.

Furthermore, during this press conference, Labor Party MP Arvin Boolell reacted by recalling that no audit report had criticized the previous government regarding spending linked to national holidays. His statement followed information provided by the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, on the purchase of more than Rs 4 million of alcoholic beverages by the Prime Minister's office between 2010 and 2014. At the time, the leader of the PTr, Navin Ramgoolam, ruled the country

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