He had fatally attacked Jean Christophe Muthen, 55, on February 25, 2020, in Flic-en-Flac, believing that the latter had behaved badly towards his mother, then aged 53. Louis Axel Mathieu Victor, aged 35, was sentenced to 30 months in prison on May 13, 2024, before the intermediate court.

In his judgment, magistrate Nithiraj Bisnatsingh claims to have taken into account the circumstances which led the accused to commit this offense. He notes that the latter confessed and admitted to having violently attacked the victim in the stomach and head. Furthermore, he committed this act in front of the police while they were apprehending the victim. The magistrate also specifies having considered the police medical report, which describes the nature of the physical injuries suffered by the victim, and indicates that the cause of death was due to head injuries.

For the magistrate, the accused's actions stemmed from his protective instinct towards his mother. However, he asserts, it is clear that the thirty-year-old, in this case, lost his composure and reacted in an extremely violent manner which was fatal to the victim. However, he emphasizes, the Court cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that a person lost his life following the actions of the accused. Another observation by magistrate Nithiraj Bisnatsingh: although the victim's act was morally and legally reprehensible, he believes that anger cannot justify such extreme violence, especially since the police had already apprehended the victim. He thus sentenced Louis Axel Mathieu Victor to 30 months in prison.

On July 13, 2023, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) initiated a formal trial against Louis Axel Mathieu Victor, accused of assault and battery resulting in death without intent to kill. This offense, committed on February 25, 2020 in Flic-en-Flac, was recognized by the accused who pleaded guilty. Testifying under oath in Court, he returned to the circumstances which had led him to commit this offense. He explained that he had confronted Jean Christophe Muthen after his mother had confided to him: “Ene mistier pe follow moi”. The victim then took off his pants in front of her. Out of anger, he beat her, even after the police arrived to apprehend the victim. In front of the police, he again attacked the victim. In court, he declared that he regrets his actions and that he had no intention of killing the victim. He also apologized to the Court.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Nithiraj Bisnatsingh ordered that the 75 days the accused spent in preventive custody be deducted from his sentence.

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