At 80 years old, still as radiant and passionate, Marie-Josée Clency, nicknamed the 'queen of sega', is delighted to have shared her passion for music with her three sons.

Marie-Josée Clency, mother of four children (Jean-Alain, Jean-François, Michael and Kathy), sees her sons embrace the musical path that she and her late husband Roger traced. His three sons have released albums and perform regularly at concerts, private performances and in hotels. For Marie-Josée, this artistic achievement of her sons is a source of great pride, embodying the continuation of their family heritage in the world of music.

“I am overwhelmed to see that my sons share my passion and that of their father. Their constant presence in this musical world is a real joy. This connection shared through music creates unbreakable bonds,” shares Marie Josée, who has a 66-year career in music.

This was a no-brainer for many, given that their mother and late father were music stars. From their childhood, the three boys were attracted to musical notes. For them, making music was completely natural, as Jean-Alain Clency confirms.

“We accompanied our parents during their performances in hotels. Music rocked our childhood. It was an exciting time because we followed our parents wherever they performed,” recalls Jean-Alain, both author, composer and digital distribution representative at Virgin Music Africa for Mauritius and more widely in the 'Indian Ocean.

For Marie-Josée Clency, her children grew up in this musical universe, imbued with this atmosphere where music reigned supreme. She says that, at home at that time, the melodies were not limited only to the Clency compositions, but also included those of other performers.

“At home, it wasn't just Sega and our own songs. We also listened to other singers. We wanted children to discover music as a whole, because it was an integral part of our daily lives,” emphasizes the singer.

Marie-Josée Clency remembers the discussions she and Roger had with their children regarding their professional future. They had always encouraged independence and freedom of choice, but Roger Clency had emphasized the importance of commitment and professionalism in music.

“It was a way for him to convey his own respect for the art and ensure that his children were fully engaged if they chose that path.” His words resonated like a legacy, an invitation to embrace music with seriousness and dedication. And the children understood, responding to this call with a determination that honored their father’s vision,” says Marie Josée Clency.

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