Employees of the DPP office soon summoned

Could there have been irregularities and embezzlement after fines imposed on around ten motorists for traffic offenses were canceled? This is what the Central Barracks are trying to determine. These fines include “Fixed Penalty” tickets for speeding via radar cameras. Which constitutes a loss of income for the State. The police suspect crimes of “perverting the course of justice” and “corruption” in this case.

The motorists concerned benefited from leniency from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) after making requests to it. To date, this investigation carried out by the Central Barracks has seen the hearing of four of them.
At the Central Barracks yesterday, Monday February 5, the fourth motorist identified by the police explained that he had asked a representative of the DPP office to “spin” the file. After his hearing, he was allowed to leave, but the motorist could be called back for clarification. At least two other motorists should be summoned to the Central Barracks in the wake of this affair.

According to our findings, officers from the DPP's office will soon be called to explain themselves to the police as part of this investigation. Indeed, in the corridors of the PHQ, it is suggested that one of the motorists interviewed provided the name of an individual to whom he had contacted within the DPP office in order to obtain leniency. The investigators would have elements considered incriminating.

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