A few hours before the long-awaited presentation of the 2024-25 Budget, the population is expressing a multitude of hopes. On the Facebook page, responses flooded in to the question “Budget 2024-2025: What are your expectations?” “. Between economic, social and environmental challenges, the government faces the arduous task of restoring citizen confidence while ensuring sustainable development.

“Budget 2024-2025: What are your expectations? » This question asked by on its Facebook page sparked many reactions, including that of Abhishek. The latter says he expects a drop in food prices. The Internet user also calls for the introduction of measures aimed at making life easier for those at the bottom of the ladder. But he is not the only one to make this request to the government. “The top priority is lowering the price of food. “Fer enn lizaz ek lepep morisien, pe pas mizer…”, asks Luanda. Lovely agrees. “We need to lower the price of food, especially baby products,” she asks.

Sasha also believes that the 2024-25 Budget must mention measures aimed at lowering the prices of baby products. She believes this will bring relief to a good number of families. “This is the only thing I ask of the government. Thank you,” she said. “Strong measures for food safety would be welcome…” adds Ahseek.

Afzal, another Internet user, hopes for the introduction of a 14th month salary. “Retiring at 55 would be welcome,” says Suraj. Two other people, Christéphanie and Larissa, propose the introduction of measures aimed at lowering the key rate (Key Rate; Editor's note). Jessy calls for initiatives to be introduced to ease the burden on those from the middle class. “We must introduce strong measures aimed at stabilizing the rupee. I expect the government to create a separate fund because everything seems to indicate that taxpayers' money is being squandered,” laments Pravine. “The 2024-25 Budget must mainly mention a reduction in drug prices. 'Tou kout al farmasi, pri medsinn nek monte. Li pa posib,” protests Ameenah.

Shailesh hopes for an increase in the prices of cigarettes and alcohol. “I would greatly appreciate if the Budget included an increase in the prices of cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. I think it should also include measures to readjust wages. Measures to review the amount of the universal pension would also be welcome,” asks the Internet user.

Vinesh finds, for his part, that fuel prices must absolutely be revised downwards in this Budget. As for Nilesh, he calls for a strengthening of “Law & Order”, the introduction of a “risk allowance” for both private sector employees and civil servants, as well as the introduction of subsidies on materials of construction.

For his part, Gael asks the government not to forget the promise made to the employees of the National Transport Company (CNT) during their annual end-of-year party in December 2023. “It must respect its promise by placing employees of the CNT, that is to say the drivers and receivers, under the PRB (Pay Research Bureau; Editor's note). This is also the CNT controller of the NRB (National Remuneration Board; Editor’s note). Leres lor PRB. Good equality for everyone to work”, highlights the Internet user.

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