Job title: Four-day Workweek: Impact, Origin, Pros, Cons, and More


Job description: A four-day workweek may seem like a major shift, but there is evidence to support its efficacy. Overworked employees tend to become less efficient.A four-day workweek, or a compressed work schedule, is an arrangement where a workplace has its employees work four days per week instead of five. This may seem like a major shift in how we think about and approach work but there is good evidence to support it.A 2014 study from Stanford University suggests productivity plummets after working 50 hours. Other experts suggest 35 hours is the optimal work time before productivity declines.Overworked employees tend to become less efficient: due to stress, fatigue, and other factors, their output during a given day is lower than what it would have been if they had worked a shorter week.By emphasizing results instead of hours logged, businesses can achieve the same in fewer hours while giving employees more time to pursue other interests, spend time with loved ones, and manage their work-life balance.Related ArticlesLeave your thought hereYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.CategoryTagsNewsletterTalents, stay ahead of the curve with the latest in career tips and top job opportunities!Your first nameYour emailSuscribe nowAbout UsExplore job opportunities in Mauritius with and discover clear job listings, transparent application processes and an easy-to-use platform to navigate and advance your career journey!

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Location: Mauritius

Date posted: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 22:21:40 GMT



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