When will the general elections take place? This is a question to which only the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, can answer with certainty, because it is he who recommends to the President of the Republic the dissolution, the date for the submission of candidacies and the general elections.

But, to help him decide better, different scenarios are developed among his advisors and those around him.

It comes to us that, for the moment, three dates are on the table. With the presentation of the budget on June 7, the budgetary debates, the committee examination exercise and the adoption of the Finance (miscellaneous provisions) Bill, it generally takes two or even three weeks.

Last year, the budget was presented by the Minister of Finance, Renganaden Padayachy, on Friday June 2. The committee review exercise concluded on Wednesday, June 14.

Legally, there must be at least one month between the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of elections.

Technically, the date of August 22 stands. However, those around the Prime Minister say that, given the deadlines, August 22, which is a Thursday, seems rather complicated.

On the other hand, Sunday September 1, and Sunday September 15 present all the characteristics to be able to hold the elections.

The fear at the government house is that during the fourth quarter of the year, the international situation will be unfavorable with, possibly, a deterioration in Ukraine if Russia continues its advance, and a deterioration of the conflict between Israel and the Hamas.

This, it is said at the government building, risks having a big impact on the price of foodstuffs which could take the elevator.

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