After the establishment of the Financial Crimes Commission (FCC), several members of the Muvman Liberater (ML) wonder what importance will be given to Ivan Collendavelloo's case by this organization.

Summoned for the first time at the end of October 2023 to be heard by investigators from the former Independent Commission against Corruption (Icac), the deposed number 2 of the government has since remained without response, plunging the ML and its leader in total uncertainty. Thus, six months after the first summons of the leader of the ML, the St-Louis affair takes on all the more crucial importance for Ivan Collendavelloo, especially as the country approaches the next general elections.

Within the ML, questions are emerging as to how the FCC will handle the matter, and whether the party leader will have the necessary legitimacy to run in the next general election in the event of a status quo. However, another faction within the party wonders whether it would truly be in Ivan Collendavelloo's best interest to have his case prioritized by the FCC. “What would happen if the FCC indicted Ivan Collendavelloo before the general election?” » asks a member of the party leadership. This situation highlights the increasingly unhealthy and worrying character for Ivan Collendavelloo, who sees the St Louis affair as a sword of Damocles hanging over his head.

While long-time supporters of Ivan Collendavelloo remain convinced, for the moment, of his innocence in the St-Louis affair, some cannot help but fear the worst, given the control exercised by the government on the FCC. “Let us not lose sight of the fact that Ivan Collendavelloo has already been excluded from the Council of Ministers. Therefore, we must keep in mind that the MSM could very well, especially as the general elections approach, decide to completely exclude the ML from any equation,” underlines a party member.

The difficult situation in which the ML currently finds itself is exacerbated by the project to reunify former MMM members, led by the Obeegadoo-Ganoo-Diolle trio, without the participation of the ML. The party finds itself increasingly isolated within the government, with several MSM ministers seeming very favorable to the idea of ​​this “Linite Militant” initiative, which is gaining more and more momentum.

Many ML members therefore fear that with the rise of the “Linite Militant” platform, the party will become superfluous and ultimately find itself sidelined.

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