August or the end of the year are the two most favorable periods for holding general elections. However, a new situation is also being taken into consideration by various advisers to the Treasury Building.

In addition to the traditional political calculations taken into account when deciding the date of the elections, another factor was added to the equation: the evolution of the war between Ukraine and Russia. A team of advisers from the Treasury building have reportedly begun, since the beginning of the week, to closely examine this war.

Two periods are currently being studied for the holding of the next elections. The month of August and the end of the year (end of November, beginning of December). Those arguing for holding elections in August argue that the war between Ukraine and Russia is an additional reason to hold elections at this time rather than in November/December.

According to these advisers, the situation between Russia and Ukraine could worsen further. They estimate that if Russia invades Ukraine by the end of the year, Mauritius could suffer severe food and coal shortages. Which would create an unfavorable climate for the holding of elections.

However, some advisers insist that the Prime Minister, Pravind Jugnauth, sets the date of the general elections for November/December. They believe that even if the situation between Ukraine and Russia deteriorates, Mauritius could turn to other countries, such as Egypt and India. The country could also make use of the preferential agreements signed with several countries on the African continent.

However, the decision on the date of elections is a prerogative of the Prime Minister. The impact generated by the presentation of the next budget on June 7 will be a determining step in his decision. Indeed, several members of the government are announcing a range of new social measures for the next budget. And many advisers believe that the budget is enough to convince the electorate.

We have already learned that a campaign has been launched in different regions of the country to discuss key social measures which will be announced on June 7. According to different sources, a salary increase for all employees in the public and private sectors, a reduction in the price of gasoline and a new scholarship formula for Higher School Certificate winners would be the main measures of the next budget.

At the same time, other efforts would be made by the Militant Socialist Movement to try everything for everything with different segments of the electorate. However, in recent days, it is especially at the Champ de Mars that we have been active in order to hasten the departure of People's Turf Club (PTC), of which the controversial tycoon Jean-Maurice Lee Shim is one of the main shareholders. . Indeed, wanting to restore a “feel good factor” among turfists who have clearly lost interest in the horse racing world since the entry of PTC, the government would even be ready to open discussions with the Mauritius Turf Club.

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