The Politburo of the Militant Socialist Movement commissioned a report. It will determine which deputies and government ministers will obtain a new investiture for the legislative elections.

Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth refuses to be distracted by political speculation. The Militant Socialist Movement (MSM) is actively working to put in place its strategy for the next general elections. His politburo commissioned a report on ministers, MPs, Parliamentary Private Secretaries and potential candidates. The report will evaluate their performance and their popularity rating.

Different currents would clash within the party. One of them advocates a policy of continuity. He argues that it is because of the opposition's “demagogic campaigns” that certain elected officials from the government majority are criticized. Health Minister Kailesh Jagutpal is one of them. Another school of thought calls for a renewal of candidates. He believes that if the party leader had not done so for the 2019 general elections, the MSM would probably not have enjoyed the same electoral success.

Prakash Maunthrooa and Ravi Yeerigadoo are working on this report. Some elected officials have not fully met the expectations of their constituents and the government. Some ministers who have held several mandates could be called upon to assume other responsibilities. A reshuffle at the presidency of the Republic is expected.

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