While some of the young people who have obtained their Higher School Certificate will continue their studies, others will enter the job market. What jobs can they do?
What salary can they expect? Point !


The salary offered to HSC holders

Between Rs 16,500 and Rs 20,000 as a base salary, depending on the profession, the sector of activity and the size of the company, indicates Adilla Diouman-Mosafeer, director of Talent Lab. “Thanks to the increase in the minimum wage and the additional allowance of Rs 2,000 granted by the Mauritius Revenue Authority, HSC holders will benefit from a guaranteed total income of Rs 17,000, accompanied by the transport allowance” , adds Astrid Vuddamallay, Talent Management Lead at “Having at least Rs 16,500 is a good start for someone starting out in the world of work. By including overtime, the HSC holder can round up their salary to the tune of Rs 22,000 to Rs 25,000. This will allow them to save money if they plan to continue their higher studies subsequently,” adds, for his part, Thierry Goder, Chief Executive Officer at Alentaris.

Building your career

The HSC can be the starting point for a successful career. “With determination, perseverance and continued skills development, HSC holders have the potential to succeed and prosper in the professional world,” emphasizes Astrid Vuddamallay. She gives two examples:-

Example I

A young person starting his career as a telephone advisor

Thanks to his dedication, perseverance and willingness to learn, he is able to progress in his company, going through several promotions to finally occupy a position as operations manager.

Example II

A receptionist

By developing her skills, taking advantage of training opportunities offered by her company and demonstrating her commitment, she can quickly become an executive assistant, then ultimately move up the ranks to become a human resources director.


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