Two elements of the anti-drug brigade (Adsu) were almost lynched by Bangladeshis on Sunday evening during an operation in Pointe-aux-Sables. These foreigners blocked the road and tried to attack the police officers who had to abandon their vehicle on the spot and go to the police station on foot.

Adsu police officers went to rue Jean Blaise as part of an undercover operation. In their story to their colleagues, they explained that as they approached an intersection in the neighborhood, they noticed a group of people on the road. The police officer who was driving honked his horn to ask them to clear the way, but the group, made up of individuals of Bangladeshi origin, instead of moving to the side, moved towards them and surrounded them. The individuals smelled of alcohol.

An agent took out his badge to tell them to get out of the way because they were on a mission, but they were hostile. Ignoring the horns, the Bangladeshis blocked the road with rocks. The police then tried to reverse to escape, but the vehicle was surrounded a second time by these men who had collected stones.

At one point, a Bangladeshi man violently opened the driver's side door, causing damage. The police tried to leave the scene, but were unable to do so.

Finally, to escape the situation, they got out of the vehicle and left it on a wasteland to go to the La Tour Koenig police station, on foot, to ask for help. They were not injured.

With their colleagues, they went back down to the site, but there was no one there. The vehicle was found damaged. The suspects are wanted for damaging a state vehicle.

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