• His wife: “Tou seki mo ti ask li ti donn mwa”

Teeluck Choolun, an employee of the Ministry of Agro-industry who works as a mason during the weekend, fell to his death from the second floor of a house under construction on Sunday.

Tragic end for Teeluck Choolun, affectionately called Uttam by those close to him. On Sunday, February 18, this employee of the Ministry of Agro-industry, a “sprayer man” by profession, a resident of the village of La Rosa in New Grove, fell to his death from the second floor of a house under construction.

That day, he was working on masonry tasks for a resident of Solferino, Vacoas. He was alongside his two colleagues living in the same village. The three men were on the second floor of a house under construction. However, late in the morning, Teeluck Choolun reportedly fell from a scaffolding. “Nounn tann li krie ek tomb anba lor ground floor,” his colleagues said. Panicked, they called the SAMU. After twenty minutes, emergency workers arrived on site and transferred the injured person to Victoria Hospital in Candos. He was pronounced dead on site.

Early in the evening of the same day, an autopsy performed by forensic pathologist Maxell Monvoisin attributed the death of the Southerner to “Cranio Cerebral Injuries”. The Quatre-Bornes police, led by Sergeant Khoodoruth, have launched an investigation with a view to shedding light on the exact circumstances of this tragedy.

In the village of La Rosa, the relatives of the deceased are overwhelmed. They describe Uttam as a hard worker. “He did all kinds of work. He loved to work, even on weekends. When there was no cane cutting, he did masonry,” the victim’s sister told Défi Quotidien.

The victim's wife is bruised. “I gave him his bread in the morning. He told me he was leaving. I asked him not to go today, he told me no,” confides Nandeeta Choolun, her voice full of sadness. Then, a little later, she received a phone call from one of her husband's colleagues informing her of this tragedy. “Zonn dir mwa bien grave. Monn pran enn lotto deswit monn ale. Li ti finished desede. Monn dekouraze, linn al travay, linn tonbe koumsa. Tou seki mo ti pe ask li ti pe donn mwa,” cries this mother.

In addition to his wife, the deceased leaves behind a 20-year-old son, a college student who is currently starting his Higher School Certificate (HSC) studies. In the village of La Rosa, the victim is also described as a social worker. “He got along well with everyone, he was very kind,” adds his sister.

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