The work of the judicial investigation aimed at shedding light on the death of Pravin Kanakiah resumed this Wednesday, May 15 before the Souillac court. Constable Seedanie was interviewed. During his hearing, the constable, previously assigned to the Souillac police station, said he had viewed recordings from five CCTV cameras on December 14, 2020. Each camera contained 26 hours of images, he said.

According to the constable, there are around 30 CCTV cameras in the Souillac region and only 8 of them were working. Constable Seedanie claimed that Inspector Rughoonundun had given instructions to view only five cameras. “I watched 130 hours of footage in 7 hours,” he said.

Police officer Seedanie explained that he had viewed the footage in time-lapse mode and did not see Pravin Kanakiah in the recordings. Asked by the representative of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions about the possibility that the deceased could have been missed, the constable responded in the affirmative.

The police officer added that around 3:15 p.m. he finished this exercise. However, in his statement recorded at the Souillac police station, he mentioned that he had finished around 2:45 p.m. The work was adjourned until May 22, when other police officers will be heard by the magistrate of the courtyard of Souillac.

Remember that the lifeless body of Pravin Kanakiah, who worked as a 'Procurement Officer' at the Ministry of Finance, was found on December 11, 2020 in Roche-qui-Pleure, Gris-Gris. Those close to him do not rule out the theory of foul play in this affair.

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